Avi Kumar student, software engineer, writer, professional question asker
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avi kumar

third-year student at UNC Chapel Hill studying computer science and french. This site is a collection of my projects, notes, thoughts, professional information, and more. It's a space to document my journey as a computer science student, future developer/engineer, and human being. thanks for visiting!


Studio Keys A Python-based tool designed to enable the easy retrieval and recovery of UI/UX designs created with the (now) defunct Invision prototyping tool. CSXL Student Showcase Board My team's final project for COMP 590 involved designing and implementing a feature for the UNC CSXL website that allows students to showcase their projects and explore others' work in a centralized, interactive feed. Click to watch our demo video!


COMP 560: Artificial Intelligence

Coming Soon (Spring 2025)

COMP 541: Digital Logic

Coming Soon (Spring 2025)

COMP 426: Modern Web Programming

Coming Soon (Spring 2025)

COMP 550: Algorithms and Analysis

Key Topics: Problem-solving paradigms, Computational complexity, Algorithm design

COMP 435: Computer Security Concepts

Key Topics: The CIA triad; Cryptography; Software, Network, and OS security

COMP 311: Computer Organization

Key Topics: Assembly Programming, Microprocessor and CPU Design, Combinational and Sequential Logic


COMP 590: Foundations of Software Engineering

Key Topics: Agile Project Management, Full-stack & Production-grade Development, Technical Communication, Automation and Code Review


COMP 455: Models of Languages and Computation

Key Topics: Automata, Computability, and Complexity theories; Reducibility; Time and Space Complexity


COMP 301: Foundations of Programming

Key Topics: Object-Oriented Programming, Exception handling, Software Testing, Design Patterns


COMP 211: Systems Fundamentals

Key Topics: Systems Programming (C), Compilation system, Physical/Virtual memory, OS basics


COMP 210: Data Structures and Analysis

Key Topics: Fundamental Data structures, Big-O Notation and Algorithm Analysis

COMP 283: Discrete Structures

Key Topics: Combinatorics; Sets, tuples, etc.; Logic and Proof Techniques